Lockdown V2.0
So, here we go again, into Lockdown 2. The difference this time is that we are so much more prepared for this one and it's been business as usual, although in November generally things start to quieten down.
As an update on my minute-training session, I was delighted that this went ahead via Microsoft Teams. It was a new experience for all of us, and at three hours long could have been an endurance test, but everything went smoothly. The feedback I received was fantastic with all of the delegates marking each category as either 'Excellent' or 'Very Good'.
The progress on book publishing is coming along well. It's something that just can't be rushed as there are so many elements to consider, apart from formatting, such as proofreading, typesetting and designing a cover. It's rewarding work though and something that I'm really enjoying.
Zoom Networking meetings have come to the fore again, now that people have no real excuse to say they're at a meeting! I generally go along to one or two a week - some are more formal than others but the key thing is that no-one forgets you. Some business put their marketing on hold at these times, but once a business drops off the radar for a while, it can be very difficult to quickly re-establish, so I keep at it with networking and social media posts. It is true though, that word-of-mouth is ultimately the best!